Daylight savings - a sparkling kitchen - shared popcorn with Sweet Thing - goodbye dinner for Mer - chocolate soy milk - 3 baskets of clean laundry - House marathon - breakthrough with the two wild kittens - Macroeconomics homework - organized bathroom - nasty Patriots loss - talked to baby - found a necklace I haven't seen in months - warm pajamas

Also: tried to save the world (a very small world) and maybe I made a difference, I don't know, I really hope so. :(

- Antiope

Spring is going to be insane.

For the blog, not me. :)

- homework
- raking (some of?) the front yard
- strawberry-banana shake
- grocery shopping

And maybe a nap? I'm so tired I could die.

- Antiope

Dropped my laptop today, somehow cracking my thumbnail so low it bled. The corner of the laptop landed on one toe, which is now greyish and swollen. Happy Tuesday, everybody!

In other news, I paid off the balance of my credit card and purchased the books for my classes. I got three loads of laundry done, cleaned (most of) my bathroom, tidied up the kitchen and dining room, and ate three normal (and healthy) meals.

Tired now. Taking this broken(?) toe to bed.

- Antiope

Ok, so, maybe yesterday was just a fluke? *crosses fingers* Today I feel LOADS better. I even managed to put on a bra and some mascara.
I think sleeping in as long as I did may have helped. It was nice and cool in the bedroom and the sheets felt soft and wonderful. I stayed in bed until about 10:30, when I could no longer ignore my cats walking across my back and meowing at me, but I got up feeling genuinely refreshed. That might have been the first good night's sleep I've had since Theseus left.


Awake. Cats walking on my back. A long, hot shower. Earrings I've never worn before. Keys, my purse. Slow-moving traffic. A busy supermarket (of course, it's Saturday). Three reusable grocery bags full of food. More traffic. A reorganized fridge. Air conditioner humming. Laundry. Dishes. A clean shower (thanks, traveling all-purpose cleaner salesman). Blueberries for dinner. Reruns on television.

And now - sleep.

- Antiope

Don't worry, faithful readers, I have not abandoned this blog. It's the same old excuses we all use, but I've been very busy, and very tired. I never sleep anymore (but that's a whole 'nother post).

So let's get to it.

I'm trying to feel better. Some things that have made me smile:

I'm having some trouble with my blog host tonight, so hang in there if this doesn't look right. I emailed the host; I'll try to fix it tomorrow.

So anyway - I finally did it! I mowed the lawn! Granted, it's not the best looking job in the history of mowed lawns, but the front and side yard are looking TONS better than they were. And yeah, so I ran out of gas partway through and had to text Theseus to ask where the replacement can of gas was, and yeah, by the time he called me back I'd already lost motivation and gone inside, but who cares? Point is, I got out the push mower, started the thing for the first time in my life, and mowed the damn lawn (part of the damn lawn).

Aaaand now it's pouring and thundering and the cable just went out. I give up. This might not even post. Time for bed I guess.

- Antiope