This evening, after our guests had left, Austin started screaming/crying uncontrollably, for about 5 minutes or so. After Theseus calmed him down, he said, "Wow, that was the first time he's ever flipped out like that!"


Poor Theseus. He has no idea.

- Antiope

The baby is resting (finally) and I'm a zombie. I'm afraid if I fall asleep now, it will be weeks before I wake up. Also I'm starving.

Today it was over 70 degrees, which was nice.

This is the worst blog post ever. Sorry for that. :(

- Antiope

Here it is!

[This is long.]

Today I am preoccupied with breastmilk - partly because Austin has spit up after every feeding today (a little worried!), partly because my friend and battle buddy just wrote about her own experiences, and partly because I keep stumbling on crap like this "study" regarding the perceived compentency of breastfeeding women (sample size for the study? In one experiment, 37 people. In the other, 55. How is this even remotely representative of the general population?? But that's another argument for another time...).

So: I am choosing to breastfeed. I was breastfed exclusively for the first few months of my life, then supplemented with formula. My mother always talks about breastfeeding as if it were the obvious choice for her, and for me, it was. Of all the considerations and decisions I've made regarding pregnancy and now mommy-hood, whether or not to breastfeed was on the extreme-easy end of the spectrum.

We picked him up from the airport last night... it's so nice to have him here again.

Today we hung around the house but actually got a lot done: we decided on an outfit for the baby to come home in, set up the changing table/bassinet, separated all his accessories into "stuff we need now" and "stuff we'll need later," and put together all his "now" accessories. This took several hours, but I'm feeling pretty good now that everything is all set up.

Tomorrow we're going to pick up the last few things we need from Baby's R Us and get Theseus some new shoes and a couple new outfits. He went through his closet today and decided he doesn't want a whole bunch of shirts and jeans, so now of course he needs new things. :)

Sunday through Tuesday we'll be in Atlantic City.

Wednesday we meet the baby!

After waiting for months (and months... and months...) I can't believe it's all really here. :)

- Antiope

It still seems like an eternity away!

- I have all of Austin's clothes washed, folded and put away in his dresser (well, I put away everything that will fit in there - baby has a ton of 0-3 month clothes!)
- blankets are also all washed and ready to go
- I washed his sheets/crib bumper and got the crib all set up
- hygiene/feeding stuff is organized
- packed things I won't need right away into his closet
- made a toy pile for him (though it will be awhile before he can enjoy any of the toys he has)

I know I still have to get the diaper bag put together, get the car seat into my car and decide on a welcome-home outfit for him. I also have to get a stroller, but that's not really life-or-death right now. Otherwise - is that it? I feel like there are 10,000 very obvious things I am neglecting.

- Antiope

Today is making me feel very blah. It's cold and damp and monochrome. I'm thirsty but I don't even have the motivation to get out of the chair and walk to the kitchen. If this day were a person, it would be a vampire. Etc, etc.

Saw the OB again this morning - he pressed on me and said the baby is in the head-down position and that everything is going great. "Not much longer now," he said, as if the next three weeks aren't going to last an eternity. This was my last bi-weekly appointment; I'm on weekly appointments from here on out, so that's good.

Other than that, a pretty boring day. Drank some hot chocolate. Planted cabbage and soy bean seeds. Talked to Theseus. Fed and rotated the compost bin.

For the rest of the day: maybe laundry, maybe some Anthropology work, maybe a nap.


- Antiope

Today it reached the mid 60s, which was so wonderful I could have cried. You don't realize how yucky the cold weather makes you feel until you have a really nice day. The air smelled so great and I was even able to keep the front door open for a little while.

T and I walked around in the back yard and started to talk about plans for the garden. It's going to be huge, did I tell you? :) I also threw some expired food into the compost bin and gave that a couple turns. All the bugs that were munching the compost in the fall (back when I kept up with it) are dead now, but hopefully with the new food, more will come in and get to work. I'm very excited to mix it into the garden.

I know I've kept you waiting - sorry!! Things have been hectic around here.

But I'm happy to present... the freshly-painted nursery!

Not away in real life, but away from this blog (but you already knew that). I did try to post something yesterday, but Weebly (my blog host) wasn't working and I couldn't log in. Before that I was working on a mini-journal post of my first week without shampoo, but then it got too boring so I scrapped it.

The cliff-notes version of my shampoo-less week: awesome. It's now been 11 days without shampoo; I'm never going back!

What else did I do?