Yesterday Theseus and I worked on the yard in shifts. Tonight we worked on school stuff in shifts. The yard is much easier.

I was going to write a big thing about how we have to do damn near everything in shifts, but Theseus is tired and he just dropped the baby's pacifier on the floor, and I have to get my stuff ready for work tomorrow and the baby needs to be changed and I have to pee and the cats are demanding attention...

This has nothing to do with anything, but I want to eat these parsnip pancakes RIGHT NOW!

Gahhhh. Good night.

- Antiope

The baby slept all day, so Theseus and I were able to get a lot done in the yard. Our grass was getting pretty high, and the town can be b*tches about unkempt yards - last year I got a citation warning. Have to try not to let that happen again this year.

Yes, honey. In fact, I'll even skip writing this blog post.

Good night!

- Antiope

This evening, after our guests had left, Austin started screaming/crying uncontrollably, for about 5 minutes or so. After Theseus calmed him down, he said, "Wow, that was the first time he's ever flipped out like that!"


Poor Theseus. He has no idea.

- Antiope




Ok, I can finally say it here: Theseus is back in the U.S.! This time next week, I'll be kissing his face in Massachusetts.

I know I haven't written much lately; been feeling kind of blue. I'll write up an update tomorrow.

In the meantime, enjoy this photo of Theseus:

- Antiope

Here it is!

[This is long.]

Today I am preoccupied with breastmilk - partly because Austin has spit up after every feeding today (a little worried!), partly because my friend and battle buddy just wrote about her own experiences, and partly because I keep stumbling on crap like this "study" regarding the perceived compentency of breastfeeding women (sample size for the study? In one experiment, 37 people. In the other, 55. How is this even remotely representative of the general population?? But that's another argument for another time...).

So: I am choosing to breastfeed. I was breastfed exclusively for the first few months of my life, then supplemented with formula. My mother always talks about breastfeeding as if it were the obvious choice for her, and for me, it was. Of all the considerations and decisions I've made regarding pregnancy and now mommy-hood, whether or not to breastfeed was on the extreme-easy end of the spectrum.

We picked him up from the airport last night... it's so nice to have him here again.

Today we hung around the house but actually got a lot done: we decided on an outfit for the baby to come home in, set up the changing table/bassinet, separated all his accessories into "stuff we need now" and "stuff we'll need later," and put together all his "now" accessories. This took several hours, but I'm feeling pretty good now that everything is all set up.

Tomorrow we're going to pick up the last few things we need from Baby's R Us and get Theseus some new shoes and a couple new outfits. He went through his closet today and decided he doesn't want a whole bunch of shirts and jeans, so now of course he needs new things. :)

Sunday through Tuesday we'll be in Atlantic City.

Wednesday we meet the baby!

After waiting for months (and months... and months...) I can't believe it's all really here. :)

- Antiope

...though, to be fair, when am I not thinking about food? ;)

We're supposed to get a decent amount of snow tomorrow (somewhere between 5 and 10 inches; not very precise, I know) so school is canceled. My 10-day class has now turned into an 8-day class. So since I'll have a break from jamming mitosis/meiosis/signal transduction/transcription/translation into my brain, my goal for the day is to organize the abyss that is Theseus' closet.

So if you don't hear from me for a couple days, it's because I was eaten by an unknown beast living in there. Or possibly I wandered in too far and got lost among the guitars neither of us know how to play, high school basketball t-shirts, power tools (whyyyyyyy are they in the closet???) and jeans that no longer fit. Or I fell into another dimension and am trapped in a parallel universe. Maybe Theseus will have a clean closet in this other universe? If that's where I am, I won't be coming back.

- Antiope