Holy crap, has it really been a month already?
The last 31 days, by the numbers:*

- projects completed: 0
- bottles of wine killed: 1
- police visits to our house: 1
- Red Sox games attended: 2
- times lawn mowed: 2
- teeth lost: 2
- people spotted canoeing past my house: 3
- loads of laundry washed: 4
- thank-you cards sent: 5
- photos taken: 10
- lbs of cat food consumed (not by me): 17
- text messages from Theseus: 85
- dollars spent at Whole Foods: $230
- cherries eaten: 700

*may or may not be completely accurate

- Antiope

dad t
6/18/2010 08:59:06 am

not having to deal with theseus bullshit...priceless. only kidding, i miss him to.


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