Ok, where did the last month go??
The last 30 days, by the numbers:*

- grandmothers run over by reindeer: 0
- dollar bills grown by the money tree Theseus sent me: 0
- snowmen built: 0
- books finished: 1
- sparklers lit: 2
- textbooks sold on Amazon: 3
- final GPA for the fall semester: 4.0
- snow sightings: 5
- days until school (re)starts: 8
- different scarves worn: 9
- average bedtime: 11:36 p.m.
- cups of soup consumed: 22
- hours of winter break spent in class: 36
- days until baby gets here: 60
- blackberries eaten: 12,000

*Numbers obtained by playing Yahtzee

- Antiope

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